Shakespeare's Way — is a waymarked long distance footpath in southern England, United Kingdom. Length of Route Shakespeare s Way runs for 235km (146mi). The Route The waymarked route (which opened in 2006) runs from William Shakespeare s birthplace in Stratford upon … Wikipedia
Shakespeare authorship question — … Wikipedia
birthplace — birth|place [ˈbə:θpleıs US ˈbə:rθ ] n [C usually singular] 1.) the place where someone was born, used especially when talking about someone famous ▪ Stratford upon Avon was Shakespeare s birthplace. 2.) the place where something first started to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
birthplace — noun (countable usually singular) 1 the place where someone was born, especially someone famous: Stratford upon Avon was Shakespeare s birthplace. 2 the place where something first started to happen or exist: New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
SHAKESPEARE (W.) — Il serait passionnant de tracer la courbe de la réputation de Shakespeare, car aucune œuvre, la Bible mise à part, n’a suscité autant de commentaires, sollicité autant de chercheurs, donné lieu à autant de controverses. Mais le consensus sur la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Shakespeare — William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare. Activité(s) dramaturge, poète Naissance … Wikipédia en Français
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust — L un des bâtiments de l ensemble du Shakespeare Birthplace Trust à Stratford upon Avon. Le Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (en français : fondation pour le lieu de naissance de Shakespeare), souvent abrégé en SBT, est une fondation indépendante … Wikipédia en Français
Shakespeare on screen — More than 420 feature length film versions of William Shakespeare s plays have been produced, making Shakespeare the most filmed author ever in any language. [Young, Mark (ed.). The Guinness Book of Records 1999 , Bantam Books, 358; Voigts… … Wikipedia
Shakespeare Urheberschaft — … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shakespeare's life — There are few facts known with certainty about William Shakespeare s life. The best documented facts are that Shakespeare was baptised in Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire, England, 26 April 1564, at age 18 married Anne Hathaway, had three… … Wikipedia
Shakespeare garden — A Shakespeare garden is a themed garden that cultivates plants mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare. In English speaking countries, particularly the United States, these are often public gardens associated with parks, universities, and… … Wikipedia